What the Google Page Experience Update Means for Your Website

  • Date: 22 / March / 2022
  • Post By: Admin
What the Google Page Experience Update Means for Your Website

“The page experience signal measures aspects of how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page. Optimizing for these factors makes the web more delightful for users across all web browsers and surfaces, and helps sites evolve towards user expectations on mobile. We believe this will contribute to business success on the web as users grow more engaged and can transact with less friction.” 

                             - (Google)

As Google is about to launch its new algorithm "Page Experience Update" this month, everyone is curious to see how it will work on your website. So let us take a while to know what page experience update is and how it will affect and mean to your website.


What Is Google Page Experience?

The Google Page Experience Update has already had an impact on mobile search results. As a ranking factor, it considers web vitals, which are Web Vitals related to web performance and loading experience, HTTPS, and intrusive interstitials. It also includes mobile usability for mobile devices. The impact of a page experience update should not be underestimated. The Google page experience update is only a tie-breaker, according to Google. As a result, if two pages rank similarly in search results in terms of content or technical performance, core web vitals or page experience will be used to break the tie. So, if one page performs better in terms of page experience, do not go back to the other; the first one will most likely outrank it. Sooner or later, this update will most likely affect every single page on Google. It already has an impact on mobile search results and will soon have an impact on desktop search results.


What Are the Most Important Aspects of the Internet?

The three Metrics that make up Core Web Vitals are used to assess your user experience and web page performance. Those are the most contented metrics, the first input delay, as well as the cumulative layout shift. The largest contentful paint focuses on loading performance and checks when the page's main content is rendered. The first input delay is checking the page's interactivity. It measures the time between the first user interaction and the browser's response. The page's layout stability is checked using cumulative layout shifts. It looks to see if there are a lot of moving elements on the page while it is being rendered.


Why Is It Critical to Have Core Web Vitals?

Core web vitals are critical in two distinct ways. To initiate, they are critical in terms of ranking; as a ranking factor, they affect your performance and search results in organic search. Thus, even if the tiebreaker is close, it affects your organic performance. However, core web vitals affect your user experience, as the objective of the page experience update is to quantify the user experience provided by your website. Core web vitals will impact your user experience, which will eventually correlate to business and user experience metrics such as conversion rate, number of transactions, pages per session, and bounce rate.


How Does Your Website or Business Prepare for Page Experience Updates in Advance?

First of all, do not panic. The page experience update is not significant, and your website is unlikely to suffer significantly as a result of it. However, because Google is increasingly focusing on user experience, it is critical to optimize your website in this area.


How Can Businesses Monitor Their Websites Following the Launch?

Following the rollout, you can evaluate your performance in two ways. To begin, you can determine whether your traffic has changed as a result of the rollout, which it should not because this is a minor update. However, you should also assess your website's performance in terms of critical web metrics. We recommend primarily verifying your field data. In the Chrome user experience report, you will see metrics like Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, and First Input Delay, which show how well your site performs on mobile and desktop. For other Web Vitals that are also being updated as part of the in-page experience, you can check to see if your website has an SSL certificate and HTTPS enabled. If you use intrusive pop-ups as interstitials, they are now blocked or considered as part of the page experience update. and for mobile, you can run mobile-friendly tests to determine whether your website is responsive and optimized for mobile devices.


Knowing What Core Web Vitals in Detail

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a more accurate way of determining when a web page's main content is loaded, rendered, and visible to users. The content that is considered "largest" in this case takes into account both its actual screen area and its weight, or the size of the data required to render it.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) is a metric for web page visual stability that quantifies the frequency of unexpected layout shifts that occur as users navigate the page. If you have ever been frustrated while trying to read an article or press a button only to have the page move unexpectedly, causing you to lose your place or press the wrong button, you have experienced bad CLS.

First Input Delay

When a user clicks or taps a link or button for the first time, the web page's First Input Delay (FID) measures how long it takes for the page to respond. Although some of the page content has been displayed, the browser remains busy with other "main-thread" tasks that must be completed before the page responds to any user input during this time period.

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