Top 5 Ways To Secure & Protect Website

  • July 25, 2024
  • Post By: issadmin
Top 5 Ways To Secure & Protect Website

Sometimes the best method to tackle any task might be the simplest one. Obviously, you do know the importance of keeping your website safe from bad guys. But once you jump into the rabbit of website issues and their vulnerabilities, you will be bombarded with complex problems and their convoluted solutions. But in this blog, we’ll discuss the top 5 ways to secure and protect websites.

Now, let’s take a look at the five essential things you can do to secure and safeguard your website. The experts at Intersmart, the top web design company in Kerala are here to help you out.

  • Install a Security Socket Layer
  • Use Anti-Malware Software & Website Vulnerability scanners
  • Strengthen Your Passwords
  • Keep the Website Up to Date & Email Transmission Ports
  • Run Regular Backups

Install A Security Socket Layer

It is very important to mention that an SSL certificate not only protects your website but also your data. They can be defined as digital security that validates a website’s identity. With the certificate, your website can safely send data from one point to another point via the HTTPS protocol. While transferring data such as credit card information on checkout pages, this personal information can be protected with SSL certificates.

However, Websites that do not have an SSL certificate can use HTTP and transport data in plain text, allowing anyone on the internet to intercept and recover the message and data from your website.

This can be problematic and a threat to your website if the sent data contains sensitive information that attackers can use to commit cybercrimes such as data breaches, cyber extortion, and identity theft.

Also, having an SSL certificate also has an impact on your website’s SEO. Websites with SSL encryption also have effective Google SERP results due to the use of HTTP/2. Also, an SSL certificate will also help to build trust among your customer. You do not want a giant red warning on their screen telling them this website is not safe right? So, make sure that your website has an SSL certificate.

Use Anti-Malware Software & Website Vulnerability Scanners

Use of anti-malware and website vulnerability scanners is always in the top 5 ways to secure your website. Website malware is always a headache to website security. According to data from security week, around 1% of all online websites are attacked with malware, according to SecurityWeek. This equates to around 18,500,000 websites, with each website being attacked 44 times each day on average. So. protecting your website from malware is very important you should not skip it.

Also, invest in a website vulnerability scanner. There are several crucial features to look for when selecting a website vulnerability scanner to utilise.

For example, it’s critical that your scanner detects vulnerabilities other than common ones like Cross-site Scripting. Failure to secure directories is an example of a less common vulnerability that your scanner should detect.

It is also vital that your scanner remains relevant over time. You need to make sure that it should be continuously updated with the most recent known vulnerabilities. To remain ahead of cyber scammers, the scanner should have a highly qualified crew working behind the scenes.

Strengthen Your Passwords

You might think is it really necessary to create strong passwords for your website? The answer is yes. It’s 2023 and if you are still using the abcd234 model as your password, you are basically putting your website in jeopardy.

However, to make sure your website and data are safe, make sure to use passwords that are long, strong, and difficult for others to guess while being relatively easy for you to remember, reveals the experts at Intersmart, one of the top web designing companies in Kerala.

It is also very important to remember to not use personal information while making your password as it may be prone to hackers. Also, make sure you don’t give the same password to everything from credit cards to online shopping accounts.

Keep Website Upto Date

Keeping a website up to date is crucial for maintaining its security. Regular updates help address vulnerabilities and fix bugs that could be exploited by hackers. By staying current with software versions, security patches, and plugins, you ensure that your website has the latest security measures in place.

Outdated websites are more susceptible to cyber attacks, data breaches, and malware infections.

Timely updates also improve website performance, enhance user experience, and demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a safe online environment for visitors. Prioritizing website updates is vital for protecting sensitive information, preserving credibility, and fostering trust with users.

Email Transmission Ports

Cyber attackers might not be aiming for your actual website but for your email ports well. How confident are you in your email security and transactions? Monitoring email transmission ports is crucial for website security. These ports act as gateways for sending and receiving emails, making them potential targets for cyber attacks, pointing out our web designing company in Kochi.

By paying attention to these ports, you can detect and prevent unauthorized access, spamming, and phishing attempts. Regular monitoring helps identify suspicious activities or unusual traffic patterns, allowing you to take prompt action and strengthen your website’s defences. So, this means keeping a watchful eye on email transmission ports, you safeguarding sensitive information, protecting your users from email-related threats, and ensuring a secure online environment for your website visitors.

Run Regular Backups

You cant complete the top 5 ways to secure your website list without mentioning regular backups. Running regular backups for website security is of utmost importance, reveals our web development company Kochi. Backups serve as a safety net in case of unexpected events such as data loss, hacking attempts, or website malfunctions. They allow you to restore your website to a previous working state, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.

Let’s imagine you are facing a malware infection. In the event of a security breach or a malware infection, backups provide an opportunity to roll back to a clean version of the website. By regularly backing up your website, you protect valuable content, customer data, and business information, offering peace of mind and the ability to swiftly recover from potential security incidents.

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