Your A to Z Guide To Using Outlook Like A Total Professional

  • July 23, 2024
  • Post By: issadmin
Your A to Z Guide To Using Outlook Like A Total Professional

Microsoft Outlook has become an indispensable part of your everyday professional or private life. It is quite remarkable how Outlook has come to occupy essential part of your quotidian life. Every day thousands of people are known for using Microsoft Outlook, albeit amateurishly, for various needs. The reasons for using outlook are manifold, be it the management of your email or calendar. Possessing a command of outlook’s broad range of features will enable users to utilize it to its fullest extent.

Configuring your outlook to get e-mails from IMAP Server

Despite the relatively simple mechanism of Microsoft Outlook, a large number of people today seem to get the basics about the software. So, it is a good idea to start off by explaining rudiments that continue to confound many outlook users, especially those who are just starting out. Start your outlook and take the file menu and click on the info and account settings respectively. By now you will have to click new and select Email account appearing on the E-mail tab followed by a click to the next. Now you can either click on the ‘manually configure server setting’ option or click on the additional server types check box and subsequently proceed to click on Next.

Once you have clicked on Internet E-mail and Next, you can choose ‘IMAP’ for the account type listed in the Server information section. Enter the name of your choice in the name box. Keep it in mind that this will be the same name as it will appear to all your recipients. Similarly, you need to type in your e-mail address in the address box. After entering your password in the password box, put the name of your IMAP4 Server in the incoming mail server box. Enter the configuration details and click next followed by finish, ‘Viola’ you now know everything to get you started with outlook.

Spare yourself some redundant typing with a quick part

If you have developed a habit of typing in standard messages of text, you can instead save it permanently as the quick part that will enable you to enter with greater ease. All you need to do is to place emphasis on the text in the window and subsequently switch over to the insert tab. After you have clicked on quick parts drop and opted for ‘Save selection to quick parts gallery, whenever you type the particular phrase again, you will find its pop up on the screen. With the ‘quick part’ in the place, it will be more convenient for you to choose the right text using the mouse.

Facilitate common searches by setting up folders

folder outlook1People tend to waste a lot of time searching for current folders. A lot of this inconvenience can be averted simply by creating folders that can help you locate files with ease. If you have the habit of running frequent searches, you can easily simplify the process with the creation of search folder. All you need to do is to find the folder and click on the New search folder to create one. As a user you are able to either select from a diverse range of templates or make a ‘create a custom search folder’ in your idea.

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